Are you a person with a diverse mind who is on the verge of burnout and desperate for real community?

But not just any community…

  • A place where you feel understood and never have to mask who you are.

  • A place to explore being a healthy, happy, and productive neurodiverse person.

  • A place to share insights about feeling well and doing well in neurotypical world.

You want a place to belong, heal and grow.

Interested? Let’s see if you’re in the right place.

  • You’ve hit your neuro-spicy wall — The all in or all out approach to your health, life and career is no longer working.

  • You’re on the verge — You haven’t been feeling like yourself. You keep trying new things in hopes that they will stick, but you are in an endless “you will never be satisfied” (cue Hamilton) cycle.

  • You want the why AND the how — You're ready to learn the science of what you need, why you need it and HOW to apply it. No more piecemealing it!

  • You want to belong — You dream of being surrounded by people who understand the language of healing your nervous system and the challenge of being your real self.

  • You’re curious — You’re ready to explore tools and ideas for balancing your inner extremes that tend to mess with your progress.

  • You want a fun, uplifting community! — No more “should’s” and shame!

You ARE SO DONE trying to do this on your own!

If you’re ready to unmask your health and make sustainable decisions in your health and happiness that work for YOU, then you for sure are in the right place!

But first, we need you know to something: It’s not your fault.

Listen, most individuals with a diverse mind and those who identify as neurodivergent (ND or neuro-spicy), have received a lifetime of messages that other people know best and who we are is not okay.

From “no, your shirt isn’t itchy, you’re fine” to “no, you can't run in the classroom” to “why don’t you just know this?”

The messages, while well intentioned, cause a lot of confusion for NDs around what you need to feel your best in life.

It also creates a sense of being disconnected from your body and what feels good to you regarding movement, nutrition, and healthy boundaries, because everyone tells us they know better.

And if you’re an ND PRO succeeding at work at all costs, you probably compensated by being your super achieving self until, well, you couldn’t live in overdrive anymore.


Here’s the real deal: the body doesn’t create symptoms and send you messages of exhaustion and frustration for sh*ts and giggles.


You may have tried to make small changes that support your unique brain and body but find that, time and time again, making these changes amongst the people, places and things that only know you as the masked you is extremely isolating and draining.

That’s why we knew we had to do something about this!


“My life has had a complete and total paradigm shift after learning from Kalin.  I approach my symptoms differently, I’m reducing my medications, I’m more patient with my family, and I see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

— Annie Kellner, M.Sc., Fort Collins, CO



Hi, we are Kalin & Marnie and we GET IT!

We are two health professionals, a married duo with diverse minds, who have spent the better chunk of our 30’s cultivating a life fit for our unique selves.



Just like you, we hit our neuro-spicy wall.

We used to live life in overdrive.  It was all or nothing.  We would travel all the time, work like crazy, spend time with and support our friends and family, food prep religiously and bust our butts at the gym.

And then we would crash. 

Every few weeks we would lose the “motivation” to treat our bodies like they had no needs *insert neurodivergent shocked face*. We would be exhausted, moody, paralyzed by work and home tasks, and want to eat every kind of pizza Omaha had to offer. 

Until one day, the cycle stopped.  The energy to do it all never returned. (And the desire to eat every kind of pizza Omaha had to offer was still there 😊).

To save ourselves we knew we had to apply our training and professional experience to create a new way of living that would allow us to be sustainably healthy and happy…neurodivergent style!

We put blinders on to the way that the world and society tell us we need to be-and started listening to our inner knowing.

This unique combination of listening to your inner knowing and marrying it to science, neurodivergent mentoring, and community makes for amazing results and is vital to creating good health and real happiness for those with diverse minds.

So much so that we started sharing our insights with the world and have found others with diverse minds who are on this journey too.

No more neurotypical solutions! There is a better way!

Trying to do it the neurotypical way lead us down a path of poor mental and physical health.  We were DONE believing the problem was us.

As health and fitness professionals with diverse and neurodivergent minds, we created a community where we can all BELONG, HEAL, & GROW together.

With the right community, connection, and curated education you can take pride in your professional life AND find your unique version of healthy and happy that fits your brain and body.


“Marnie is your #1 cheerleader and turns your ‘I’m not so sure,’ or ‘I don’t think I can do this,’ to ‘You will be amazed at what you can do.’

— Meriam, Compliance Auditor, Omaha, NE


Diverse Minds!
A Community to Heal, Grow, & Belong.

Discover 3 unique pillars of health and happiness for the diverse individual
who wants to do life their way.


We created a community that cheers you on while working towards your goals of belonging, healing, and growing in this crazy world.

A community is necessary for sustainable change.  Frodo didn’t climb Mount Doom alone. Harry Potter didn’t fight Voldemort alone.  Find your people who will empower you to take on your greatest challenges.


We provide fun, uplifting connections that no longer requires you to translate how your brain and body work.

It’s difficult meeting other diverse minds and neurodivergent individuals in the real world who are committed to feeling well and doing well.  You will find this here.


We provide science-based, curated health, fitness, and education in bite-sized, enjoyable experiences. Let’s eliminate the confusion about the why you do what you do, what you might need and how to apply it to your unique life!

We’ve read the books, have advanced degrees, and a wealth of experience to filter the information through a neuro-spicy lens.  We’ll provide the map, and you get to pick your destination.


When you apply the Triple C’s into your unique life, body and brain, imagine this becoming your new normal!

  • Beat procrastination paralysis

  • Be marginalized AND fit

  • Recover from burnout and feel excited for life

  • Release the shame around how you “should” be living your life

  • Find a crew to wade through the wellness jargon with

  • Feel confident in understanding your brain and body

  • Feel understood

  • Bond with your new neuro-spicy friends

  • Get healthy dopamine punches

  • Gain the confidence to advocate for your needs

  • Connect with your inner knowing

  • Confidently integrate healthy changes

  • Discover neurodivergent validation

  • Feel confident in your health & fitness choices

  • Move your body with the intention of feeling strong.



“I loved how applicable everything Kalin teaches is.  She breaks down the WHY everything is important and figures out ways to implement those ‘diverse mind’ skills into everyday life.”

— Kimberly Nagaran, Manager of Talent Coordinators, Los Angeles, CA

How the Community works:

Every month, we will have 4 live meetups. Come to one or come to all, or just catch the replays!

The theme each week of each month will be the same, but the topics will always be new and exciting.

  • Let’s do those annoying tasks that we’ve been putting off together!

    Body doubling is a strategy to feed off the energy of each other to do things our brains just don’t want to do. However, finding a body double can be difficult! We have you covered.

    During body double week we will do those “ugh” things together like working out, food prepping, doing laundry, packing for a trip, care tasks, and more!

    Body doubling means you’re not doing life alone, leveraging the energy of each other to get things done, and becoming part of a community who understands the some things that are hard for you.

    We know, complex problem solving can feel easy for you, but folding laundry is when the real challenge starts.

    We get that. And we got you.

  • The world and social media are SATURATED with fitness tips and ideas about how we SHOULD look and how we SHOULD move our body.

    It can be so insanely overwhelming and, honestly, creates a feeling of never doing enough.

    It’s hard enough making choices and sticking with them as a neurodivergent human.

    We will chat about ways to keep your workouts exciting, ways to move your body that aren’t just an hour-long workout, sift through current fitness trends and their validity or lack thereof, and explore ways to get yourself to move your body when the motivation isn’t there-and how to adjust for intensity when you are tired AF.

  • Let’s have a relaxed group chat of diverse minds about what’s happening in the world through a neurodivergent lens.

    From TikTok trends, pop culture, common life ND challenges (think travel, relationships, friends, etc.), science news, cool neurodivergent history, and beyond. We will eliminate the neurotypical noise, celebrating our uniqueness, answering your questions, verbally processing, and connecting to what makes us awesome.

    We will find news stories and well-known people to discuss that reflect your diverse mind’s experience.

    This is history and current events for the neuro-spicy!

  • This week is all about unmasking your health.

    We will discuss topics like finding health when you’re “unexplainably unwell,” creating healthy neuro-spicy friendly habits, curating a care team, boundary empowerment, building a supportive community, and learning the science behind how our neurodivergent brain, body, and soul work.

    When your body and brain make sense to you, you can go from feeling overwhelmed by too many demands on your mind and body to discovering new ways to respond that account for your unique needs.

A Private, Online Community Hub

Jump into conversations happening in our online community hub to engage with your fellow diverse minds. Things like…

  • Ask the Community: Ask the community for unique tips and tricks for leading a healthier and happier life with a diverse mind.

  • Share Your Wins: Share your unmasking wins and fitness wins!

    Did you set a new boundary? Did you learn something new and cool and about how your brain works? Did you take an extra rest day when you needed one? Did you set a PR in something you’ve been working on? Did you try something new and it was actually life giving? Did you fold the laundry and not hate your life while doing it? Celebrate with others who get it!

  • Just Process: Be seen, be heard, and be validated. This is an advice free zone where you can come to process the emotions and feelings around the unmasking and healing process.

    We also get to practice validating others without trying to fix it or offer solutions (neurodivergent problem solver *gag*)!

  • Member Updates: Stay up to date with news and exciting new community opportunities.

 HEADS UP: This isn’t school or gym class…there is no grade, you can’t get this wrong. There’s no right way to be a member in this community. There’s no definition of how to show up for your membership. 

You don’t have to do it all. You can do as little or as much as you want. Help should be helpful for you. You get to use this community in whatever way suits you. Just observe, chat it up, come live, listen to the recordings…it’s your choice!

Become a Member at 33% Off the Full Rate:

Want in? Here’s the deal…

Want to be a member? Great! We want you too.

The current promotion price has been extended (because it’s Marnie’s birthday month so we needed a Diverse Minds celebration) until May 20th, 2024.

Future enrollment dates will be posted here and on Kalin and Marnie’s newsletters.

This special rate is for the diverse minds that join our neuro-spicy community during this current enrollment period.

Receive 33% off the full rate for FOREVER (or until the membership is cancelled)

$1000 for a yearly membership paid in full (Best Deal, saving $200 off the monthly rate)


$100/month if the membership is paid monthly


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • A diverse mind is one that functions differently than the typical standard. This divergent mind was likely what brought you great life successes but managing the burnout with an atypical brain in a neurotypical world is complicated and exhausting.

    The individuals may or may not identify with diagnosis that include ADHD, autism, PTSD, OCD, dyslexia, synesthesia, sensory sensitivities, differences in brain processing due to genetic or brain related conditions (like multiple sclerosis and seizure disorders), and more.

    The commonality is you KNOW you see the world differently than others.

  • Diverse minded individuals:

    Those with a unique way of processing and viewing the world around them.


    Diverse minded professionals often include entrepreneurs, innovators, artists, scientists, advocates, healthcare providers, family caregivers, and parents. They are highly driven individuals when it comes to things they care deeply about.

    Those diverse minds who:

    ▪ Already have or have recently had 1 on 1 support (such as a therapist, a coach, etc.).

    ▪ Are looking for an inclusive community for all neurotypes where your subjective experience will be believed and respected. We’re not all the same and that’s our greatest strength.

    ▪ Share our commitment to safety and inclusion for all including neurotype, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, different abilities, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, religion, and color.

    ▪ Are seeking evidence-based wellness knowledge through a lens fit for the diverse mind.

    ▪ Are looking for a home base where they can continue to belong, heal, and grow.

    ▪ Share our values of authenticity, curiosity, freedom, humor, reciprocity, and self-development.

    ▪ Enjoy a good swear word or two!

  • This is not a substitute for 1 on 1 professional help.

    If you’re looking for individualized wellness support, consider booking an initial consultation with Marnie and/or Kalin.

    Those who are:

    ▪ Not supportive of an inclusive community.

    ▪ Seeking personal medical, coaching, or fitness advice.

    ▪ Looking to promote their business and services.

  • Nope! There’s no right way to be a member in this community. The right way is YOUR way.

    The way that feels most helpful to you. There’s no definition of how to show up for your membership. Just observe, chat it up, come live, listen to the recordings…it’s your choice!

    We define “making the most” out of your membership not by how much content you take in but by the improvement in quality of life.

  • Our teaching style is adaptive, collaborative, holistic, inclusive and evidence based. We are providers committed to quality holistic care based on the most up-to-date research and knowledge. We are educated and knowledgeable people here to be thought partners for this community.

    Checkout these recorded webinars of Kalin discussing the stellar topics of wellness and resiliency! and

    Checkout Marnie’s quick tip videos on her Instagram account @marniebstrength4life to get a sample of her teaching vibes!

  • This group is social media free, private and advertising free. We use the MightyNetworks Platform. It's very easy to download this app to your mobile phone or to simply use it via a computer.


Do you have questions about Diverse Minds? Send an email to and we will be in touch.


“Marnie is the friend in fitness I didn’t know I needed!  I enjoy exercise and never thought I could!”

— Yasmin, Business Owner, Omaha, NE